BLOG POSTS > How to recognize a DDoS attack and its symptoms.

How to recognize a DDoS attack and its symptoms.



In today's interconnected world, the threat of cyber attacks is a reality that all businesses and individuals must face. One type of cyber attack that can be particularly damaging is a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. In a DDoS attack, a website or network is overwhelmed with traffic from multiple sources, rendering it unavailable to legitimate users. In this blog post, we'll explore how to recognize a DDoS attack and its symptoms.

Symptoms of a DDoS Attack

The first step in recognizing a DDoS attack is to be familiar with its symptoms. Here are some of the most common signs of a DDoS attack:

1) Slow or Unresponsive Websites
One of the most obvious signs of a DDoS attack is a slow or unresponsive website. If you find that your website is taking longer than usual to load or is not responding at all, it could be a sign that it is under attack.

2) Increased Traffic
Another symptom of a DDoS attack is a sudden increase in traffic to your website or network. While an increase in traffic may seem like a good thing, if it is coming from multiple sources and is overwhelming your server, it could be a sign of an attack.

3) Unusual Patterns of Traffic
In addition to an increase in traffic, a DDoS attack may also exhibit unusual patterns of traffic. For example, the traffic may all be coming from a single IP address or may be targeting a specific part of your website or network.

4) Unusual Errors
If you are receiving unusual error messages, it could be a sign of a DDoS attack. For example, you may receive a "Service Unavailable" error or a "503 Server Error."

5) Unusual Server Behavior
Finally, if you notice unusual behavior from your server, such as increased CPU usage or network traffic, it could be a sign that it is under attack.

Recognizing a DDoS Attack

Now that you know the symptoms of a DDoS attack, the next step is to be able to recognize when you are under attack. Here are some steps you can take to determine if you are under a DDoS attack:

1) Monitor Your Network Traffic
One of the easiest ways to determine if you are under a DDoS attack is to monitor your network traffic. If you notice a sudden spike in traffic or unusual patterns of traffic, it could be a sign that you are under attack.

2) Check Your Server Logs
Another way to determine if you are under a DDoS attack is to check your server logs. Look for unusual patterns of traffic, such as a large number of requests for a specific page or resource.

3) Use a DDoS Mitigation Service
If you are concerned that you are under a DDoS attack, you may want to consider using a DDoS mitigation service. These services are designed to protect your website or network from DDoS attacks by filtering out malicious traffic.

4) Contact Your Internet Service Provider (ISP)
Finally, if you suspect that you are under a DDoS attack, you should contact your ISP. They may be able to help you identify the source of the attack and provide you with additional support and protection.


DDoS attacks are a serious threat to businesses and individuals alike. By being able to recognize the symptoms.